Impact Marketing is not only a leading UK B2B data owner, its also a full Data Processing Bureau.
This gives us fantastic flexibility and insight to be able to segment and dissect all our Business Lists in order to offer you more targeted prospecting along with far less wastage in both time and money.
With 19 years of experience we have developed our Business Lists with our clients needs in mind.
Spanning virtually every UK Business, we are able to offer an unsurpassed range of Selectable options, allowing you to choose only the ideal profile you desire.
Some of these Options include:
- Business Type
- Specific Job Role
- Employee Number
- Turnover
- Credit Rating
- Profitability
- Number of PCs
- Approximate Budgets
- Channel, i.e. Email, Phone, Postal, SMS
- PLC, Ltd, Partnership, Sole Trader and more
- Geo including Bespoke Area, Postcode, Radio Station Coverage, Your Sales Team Coverage
We even offer a free dedupe against your existing database to ensure every record you buy from us is new and unique to your company.